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Innovatech24: Artificial Intelligence Beyond Imagination

El Salvador became the center of technological innovation with the celebration of the Innovatech24 event, organized by the Secretariat of Innovation and Technological Development. In this meeting, companies, entrepreneurs and experts came together to discuss the latest trends and advances in the field of technology.

TreeCloud, a leading company in artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, had a prominent participation in the event. Its CEO, Kevin Cruz, offered a keynote address entitled “Artificial Intelligence: Beyond Imagination”, where he explored the various ways in which AI is transforming our daily lives.

In his presentation, Cruz highlighted some concrete examples of the impact of AI in different sectors, such as:

  • Tools like ChatGPT: Are changing the rules of the game when it comes to automating tasks and boosting creative abilities.
  • Tools like Midjourney: Are changing the way ideas are conceptualized and creativity is empowered.
  • Applications from the laboratory: Are changing the way business is done thanks to a tool they have developed called TEAGLE, which is used to automate industrial plants.

Cruz also addressed the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, emphasizing the importance of ethics, transparency and responsibility in the development and use of these technologies.

TreeCloud’s participation in Innovatech24 was a resounding success. Kevin Cruz’s talk generated great interest among the audience, who had the opportunity to learn firsthand how AI is changing the world and how TreeCloud is leading innovation in this field.

This event represents an important milestone in the development of AI in El Salvador. The growing interest in this technology demonstrates the potential it has to transform various sectors of the economy and improve the quality of life of citizens.


We would like to thank both the Secretariat of Innovation and the government of El Salvador for promoting these spaces for innovation. We know that El Salvador is taking the right course, and for this reason we are contributing our grain of sand so that El Salvador becomes the largest innovation hub in the region.